FOR TODAY (April 16, 2009)...
Outside my window... Tiny leaf buds on the big Maple in the courtyard. The ones at the top are just about ready to burst open... I think the warmth we have coming the next couple days should hopefully do it!
I am thinking...about how to go about gardening this year. Definitely want too, but it might be a lil' tricky since the space, well ya' know doesn't actually belong to us, but to Yale. Think I've got a plan though....
I am thankful for... warmth and sunshine!
From the learning rooms...playdough making, a trip to the library, seed planting, and wet-on-wet watercolors this week.
From the kitchen...A chili and cornbread bake for tonight, and perhaps some muffin making this afternoon.
I am wearing... jeans and a green tee (Oh, my, I think that's what I was wearing last entry... )
I am creating... A reversible pinafore for Aurora, using this tutorial... just at the pattern making part right now.
I am going...To OSV on monday to meet up with some very dear friends from Ithaca-- Diane and her daughter Grace, who I used to take care of. We're very excited!!!!
I am reading... Just finished Eat, Pray, Love. Got the Singing Day in the mail, and read through that... not sure what's next.
I am hoping...for a not too bad spring allergy season. Blossoms are on the bough, though...and I started sneezing yesterday.
I am hearing... more and more Dan Zanes... which is a nice change to Raffi. Not that I don't love Raffi...
Around the house... I set up a small art desk for Aurora, separate post to come soon, so she has a place to color etc. without worry (not that she does) about getty marker, crayon, glue, paint or glitter on the floor, table, couch etc...
One of my favorite things... watching creamer swirl into coffee... seriously, one of the best parts of waking up.
A few plans for the rest of the week: lots of outside play- it's going to be warm! And our friend Jessica's baby shower Saturday
Here is picture thought I am sharing...
hello there!can't wait to see more pics!
we're sick...very frustrating with this weather! T recognizes A on the pics, so cute!
see u soon!
ps; huge sale at my beloved soft stars shoes!
Awww, I love that last pic! She looks so sweet and what a great environment. I can't wait to see the pinafore! Thanks for sharing the tute!
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