Friday, January 30, 2009

Wet on Wet Watercolor Painting

So, also included in the goodies from Three Sisters were some Stockmar watercolors and a beautiful wooden painting board. I've been wanting to try this Waldorf way of painting for quite a while-- I'm really glad I did. I'm so impressed with A... her concentration and attention went far beyond any painting experiences we've had thus far. I think the wet on wet technique really made the paint come alive for her... it was really beautiful to watch.

First, I soaked the paper in lukewarm water in the tub for a few minutes while I got our paint mixed, brushes and boards ready (I painted as well, but to be frank, I think A's turned out better!). Then I put the wet paper on the board and used a cloth to wipe off any 'puddles'.

She didn't need much of an example- She intuitively knew just what to do!

A's finished Masterpiece

And here, hanging in our block corner.
It was such a great experience... Much better than our last try at temperas on the easel, in which she was easily frustrated and resulted in a huge mess. In the Waldorf way, you introduce one color at a time to the young child. I think this was key for her... she wasn't overwhelmed with choices and could really concentrate on the way the paint moved on the paper. It was just so...calm.

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