Liam is Here!
January 22, 2010 3:01 pm
9lbs 4.5 0z, 20.75 inches

Of course, many many more photos to come;) And, also, a more complete birth story... but, too be quick... We were induced yesterday at already 4 cms, 80% effacement and the baby at 0 station. Pitocin was started on the lowest level, 1, at about 8:15am. They increased it to 2 at some point, but couldn't go any higher because I was contracting regularly at every 1-2 minutes. The problem was, they were the same type of contractions I've had all along... painless, and not building at all in intensity. But, I was contracting, so no upping the Pit. At around 11 am, my doctor ruptured my membranes and then things finally got started... Pit was reduced to 1, and then turned off as my body took over and did it's job. Less than four hours later,
and after only 15 minutes of pushing, Liam was born. It was very intense, and my little guy is a bit black and blue from hurtling through his Mama's body at such a crazy velocity, but we both made it through (drug free, minus the Pit, as I had dearly hoped), and are already madly in love with each other. My doula,
Rachel, was a godsend~~ it would not have been the birth it was without her!
Liam is doing great.... I'm still incredibly sore, but recovering. And, we are all looking forward to getting home tomorrow and exploring the new parameters of our family... now 25% larger.